The RHINO RULER was developed by a contractor working "hands on"
in the field. Wooden spacing rulers he used simply did not stand up
to the extreme weather conditions he faced... they would warp, the paint
would peel off, and the worst of all, they break very easily.
Through extensive research and field testing, the final product is a
weather proof folding ruler that can take as much abuse from the elements
as you do.

The 1619 BG Brick Spacing Ruler is used for laying standard residential
sized bricks. With this ruler, each equally spaced courses of brick
is signified by the same number: "1's" through
"0's". Each space allows for the brick plus the mortar

The Modular scale is used for laying all types of masonry products
within a 2" modular grid. Concrete blocks are installed and
sometimes it is necessary to lay other smaller bricks to meet the same
final elevation. This scale allows several sizes of brick and block
to work together in the same grid.

The 1618 OG Oversize Brick spacing ruler is used for "Queen"
and "King" sized bricks. With this ruler, each equally
spaced course of brick is signified by the same letter:
"A's" through "K's". Each space allows for
the brick plus the mortar joint.
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Red End® Brick Mason's Rulers #636 & #656
* Used by bricklayers.
* Graduated vertical inches to 1/16ths, both edges.
* Brick mason's scale on inside, red course counters numbered
* Regular outside markings in black.
* Using the Lufkin® "Red End" #636 Brick Mason's Rule is easy and
* To Take a measurement when mortar thickness is known: As an
example, assume mortar thickness is 1/2" and the average thickness of
brick is 2 1/4". Added they would give a 2 3/4" course.
Simply place your thumbnail on the edge of the rule at 2 3/4",
turn over to the other side, and your thumbnail will be on the scale 6
mark. This is the correct scale to use under the above conditions.
Correct readings from the top edge of bricks are at scale 6.
This rule speeds up correct scaling when an open space is to be
bricked. There is but one simple operation when only space is known.
Just measure the space with the scale side of the rule to the closet
scale mark. This will give you the correct scale to use. For instance,
assume that a space 37" is to be bricked. Using the Brick
Mason's scale side of the rule to measure, the 37" figure falls
between scale 4 and scale 8. Checking both these scales, by the
previously described thumbnail method, at the starting end of the rule, it
is found that scale 4 is equal to 2 5/8" and scale 8 is equal to 2
7/8". If the brick to be used averages 2 1/2", scale
4 would allow 1/8" joint and scale 8 a 3/8" joint. The more
satisfactory of these two size joint thickness can be selected for the job.
The brick industry is using more oversize brick (also referred to as
"queen" or "king size" brick). The estimates are
about 40% of the brick sold is oversize. These bricks have a height
of 2 3/4" vs. 2 1/4" for the standard or modular brick. Due
to the number of requests from brick masons, we now offer the new #656
brick mason wood rule. The #656 rule has brick spacings at 2 7/8ths
and go to 3 1/2" in 1/16" increments. The brick spacings
will be identified by black letters A through K. Letters are used to
prevent confusion with spacings shown on #636. The #656 rule is
printed yellow compared to white for the #636.
Lufkin® Red End® Modular
Spacing Ruler #646
* All sections have square ends.
* Every joint opens on even number.
* Inside marked with 6 scales in a 16" module. The scales are as
follows: 2 courses in 16" space (for concrete blocks and glass
blocks); 3 courses in 16" space (for facing tile); 4 courses in
16" space ( for small facing tile and economy brick); 5 courses in
16" space (for engineered brick); 6 courses in 16" space ( for
Roman brick). Scales include mortar space and spacing for 6" and
12" blocks.
* Outside is graduated on both edges to 1/16th.
* The first end section is a short section which permits butting the rule
on the first 16" module.
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* Bright yellow rigid blade with protective acrylic.
* Features side lock mechanism.
Power Grip Steel Tapes
* A proven winner, Power Grip Tapes feature a durable ABS case with a
rubber grip that conforms to the hand for better control and comfort.
* The steel blade has a tough acrylic coating to protect the blade from
rust and corrosion.
* Available in 25' and 30' lengths.
* Features standard markings on blade.
Open Reel Fiberglass
* Heavy-duty, impact resistant ABS body.
* Fiberglass tape will not rot or corrode.
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